NAM Association Management, Inc.
4749 Bennett Dr. Suite B, Livermore, CA 94551
(800) 811-0841
Why Choose Us to Manage Your Homeowners Association?
Dear Board Member,
Of all the management companies providing services to community associations, why should you choose NAM Association Management, Inc.?
One - Our Customer Service
If a resident or Board member leaves us a voice mail message, we will return it the same business day it is received. We also return all emails the day they are received. We offer that customer service to all our clients. It’s frustrating when a call or email is not promptly returned, so residents and Board members receive a prompt response to their question.
Our managers handle less associations, so they are more available to return calls and emails. Managers in our industry usually work on ten or more associations. While ours manage an average of just five. Our managers are not so busy helping other clients that they have no time left to return calls and emails promptly. We offer that level of customer service to our clients. An on-call manager is also available at no cost for after-hours or weekend emergencies.

Two - Significant Savings
Here is how we bid. Take 20% off of your current monthly management fee in most cases, and that is how much we charge you. For example, if you are currently paying $1,000 per month, you would pay us just $800 per month. That is a savings of $2,400 over a year and $24,000 over ten years!
And, that amount only increases 1% to 2% annually, so it will take you approximately twenty years to get back to what you are currently paying. This is not a teaser rate that will increase dramatically after a year.
Why pay more when you can get a higher level of service at a significantly lower rate?

Three - We Perform on Time
Management is asked to perform certain tasks and is assigned deadlines at Board meetings. We complete the work assigned to us on time. We understand that it is critical for us to perform our tasks by the deadlines given in order for things to move forward in your Homeowners Association.

Four - Accurate and Timely Financials
Homeowner accounts are correct. Delinquencies are followed up on in a timely manner. Bills are paid on time. Financial reports are accurate and completed on time. Tax returns and the annual review or audit of the annual financial statements are completed and distributed on time.

Five - Monthly Property Inspections
Each month we walk your property and note anything of concern. We ask that a Board member (or anyone you designate) join us on the walk, if possible. We will then provide the Board with a report on what we noted at their meeting. We will seek the Board’s approval before taking action on anything we noted during the property inspection.

Six - Management in Your Best Interest
We could start a landscape company in addition to our property management business. We could influence a board to terminate their current landscaper and hire ours. Then we would be earning money from management and landscaping. What if our landscaper ended up providing you with less service but cost more? To earn the extra money, wouldn’t we be tempted to influence a board to hire our landscaper anyway? To avoid that temptation and to make sure you always get the best service at the lowest cost, we offer our clients only management. We work with many vendors (maintenance, landscapers, contractors, electricians, plumbers, roofers, CPAs, attorneys, reserve preparers, insurance agents, etc.) who provide our clients with the highest level of service for the lowest cost. We could make more money offering our clients other services, but we manage your homeowner’s association in your best interest, not ours.

Seven - Experienced Advice
We have been providing management and consulting services to community associations in Northern California since 1994. Here are just a few of the ways this experience can help your community:
Board training and education seminars
The Davis-Stirling Common Interest Development Act
Enforcement of CC&Rs & Rules
Policy making
Conducting board meetings
Collection of delinquent assessments
Replenishing under-funded reserves
Gated Communities
Architectural control
Developer transition to owners
Election and voting
Major-construction projects (roofing, siding, asphalt, painting, fencing/gates, drainage, waterproofing, termite eradication, construction defect repairs, etc.)
Mixed Use HOAs (mix of residential, retail and commercial)
High and low rises
Solar Energy System Restrictions
Electric Charging Station Restrictions

Eight - No Long-Term Contract
Many management companies require that you enter into an annual (or more) contract with an auto-renewal provision. This means that if you are unhappy with the management company for any reason, you are often left with only two options - waiting for the contract to expire in a year (or two) or buying out the contract. Both are bad options when you have Questions or concerns about how your property is managed.
We are so confident that you will be happy with our service that our contracts only require a 60-day notice of termination! If the board is unhappy with our service for any reason, you may terminate our contract with just 60-days’ notice. You are not trapped into a long-term contract!

Nine - Personal Service
We are not so big that you can’t get personal service. Our managers handle less associations, so they are more available to you. Managers elsewhere usually work on ten or more associations, while ours manage an average of just five. Our managers are not so busy helping other clients that they have no time left for you. Our emphasis is not on how many associations we can manage, but on providing you a high level of personal service. We have the time it takes to show a personal interest in you. We are not too big to be personal.

Ten - Bigger Is Not Better
Once your new car if off the warranty. Do you take it to the dealership or an independent certified mechanic (with years of experience) for repairs and maintenance? The dealership is more expensive, and the certified mechanic can do the same work for less. The same holds true for a locally owned property management company verses a management company from a national chain. We have successfully managed one large homeowner’s association since it was built 15 years ago. We recently began managing the large association across the street. Which was managed by a national management firm for the last 10 years of its existence. There were so many services that their management company was contracted to do but did not. As a result, the Board and homeowners were very frustrated. There is no real advantage to having a nationally owned management company verses a locally owned one. It’s really all smoke and mirrors. What a board and owners really need is a management company that will return emails/calls in a timely manner, do their work on time, provide experienced advice, be courteous, inspect the property, enforce the rules and deliver accurate/timely financials. “Bigger is not better” when it comes to homeowner association management. In fact, in the long run you will pay less and get more service from a locally owned management company like us.
For the above reasons, you should contact Neighborhood Association Management, Inc. today to get a proposal and brochure. You’ll be so happy you made the change! We are "Affordable Excellence, In Your Neighborhood."
Charlie Mitchell
NAM Association Management, Inc.
(800) 811-0841
If you are interested in receiving a proposal for services for your Association, please contact our
general mailbox at NAM@Neighborhoodam.com or you may call toll free at (800) 811-0841 ext. 0.